
Hi. My name is Jake and I'm a software engineer. This is where I post the projects I work on in my free time. I've worked on everything from compilers to web pages, and I'm interested in just about anything that's Turing complete.

If you're a recruiter and you don't have my resume yet, you can find it here.

If you want to connect, you can email me at jake@jakeiswritingcode.com.


  • Q-Learning AI with State/Action Interface

An AI model developed in C++ which applies the Bellman equation through a Q-Function, utilizing either linear or polynomial regression to adjust the weights of features. Both epsilon-greedy and softmax are available as decision-making algorithms.

Chess Project Banner
  • Chess in C++

A console application written in C++ to play chess in the command line. The program utilizes an abstract base class for all pieces that can be derived to add new types of pieces to the game. The most recent additions are MVC architecture, multithreading, and a minimax AI opponent.

Argo Banner
  • Argo Programming Language (WIP)

My current project! I am creating a basic object-oriented programming language from the ground up by writing a lexer, parser, and compiler. More features will be gradually implemented as the language develops.

MQTT Geocoding Banner
  • MQTT Geocoding

A publishing client (C) sends a random latitude and longitude to an MQTT server. A subscribing client (C#) recieves the information and uses an API call to Bing's geocoding service to display a valid address, if any exists.

Seminar Banner
  • Senior Seminar

The seminar given at the end of my time in university. Other than the vocal fry I had from practicing all night, I'm happy with how well I was able to convey the information verbally. There are two presentations in this video; mine is the second one.

UI Design Banner
  • Capstone UI Design

Snapshots of the interface I developed as the UI lead and art director for a senior capstone project. The project reimplemented the turn-based game NODE with our own spin.